The Tribunal published it’s Terms of Reference together with notice of a public sitting in 69 newspapers.
The Terms of Reference together with the notices appeared once in each newspaper over a period from the 15th of December 1997 to the 21st of December 1997. The same format of notice was used in each newspaper.
A copy of the Terms of Reference together with the notice published by the Tribunal is set out at Appendix 1 of this Interim Report.
he Tribunal invited members of the public to provide, in confidence, to the Tribunal any information in their possession which they considered relevant to the Terms of Reference of the Tribunal. The public request for information was contained in the notices published in the local and national newspapers.
The Tribunal at its public sittings repeated this request for information. A considerable volume of such information has been received.
The Tribunal is at present considering the information furnished with a view to deciding whether the matters identified are within the Terms of Reference to the Tribunal.